Photographs taken for pleasure, for people, for the love of photography!
It started with an interest in taking a good shot of our gundogs in action and wanting photos to add to our holiday cottage website. I didn't know anything about photography but knew when the light was right I was transported.
From then, I volunteered at other shoots and gundog training. Plus trying my hand at landscapes. My geeky side is still the love of flowers and insects!
Deciding to push my ability (and continuing to do so!), I found my style to be popular with people, especially dog lovers and my landscape images continue to be loved by the locals and holidaymakers coming to our area.
This lead me to wedding photography, pet/family photography and diversifying to sports, destination photography and also selling my images as cards, notebooks, calendars and canvasses in local shops and at craft fairs. With my Spiritual Range now available in my shop (more ranges to come soon!)
I've found my images have a natural spiritual theme, always looking for and finding emotion and beauty in the smallest of detail.
Since my journey of learning photography (and continuing to learn photography - because you never stop!) it has given me another passion that links into all my other loves, and I've never looked back.
The main photo you see is of my beloved Jessie, who passed away November 2022.
Please get in touch for an informal chat to discuss your requirements or if you have a certain image in mind, on 07734 726442 or email me on